We had great turnout at our February meeting. Here are some highlights:
1. Membership Dues! Attached is the 2020 Membership form and here is the link to our website: https://leonardchamber.com/join-the-chamber
2. The Annual Chamber Banquet is Friday April 3 at Magnolia Grace! Tickets go on sale March 1. Here is a flyer with more information!
3. Please take time to fill out your nomination for Citizen, Business, and Educator of the Year by March 1. These will be presented at the Chamber Banquet! Here are the links, to online forms. Forms you can print out are located here.
-Citizen of the Year: https://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5254436/citizen-of-the-year-2019?fbclid=IwAR3G_0ff63IdvuVICzrhQd-Sig_6YEAxnt84fYta99AitQnKWnNpUxphYLA
-Business of the Year: https://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5254446/business-of-the-year-2019?fbclid=IwAR3SlragmWRJg8W-cRwA4pFONwqFjOCotZ1TxHb_wsSNK8FIzU8IaR_ELYw
-Educator of the Year: https://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5254448/educator-of-the-year-2019?fbclid=IwAR3dx299PyWvxWV5TwgkJwVNC8tbViQ5blQEag4b3Vdbr-hodkwkMCizi2U
4. The Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 11th at the City Park. Music, pictures, and food will start at 11am. The egg hunt will start at noon!
5. Garney Construction will be hosting a 5k Run for Life here in Leonard on Saturday April 18th. https://www.runforlife.club/?fbclid=IwAR1uSLOKKBdo5bpw8oHLGTxCJCukPovagh-67m7PrjcB05_kCAwxy-pQauI
6. The Leonard Picnic will be held this year from July 16-18. We have already lined up Eleven Hundred Springs, The Blandelles, and The Buzz Andrews Band, and are hoping to get more!
7. We are looking for sponsors to make the Picnic even bigger this year! We are hoping we can get bigger bands, entertainment, and events going on throughout the picnic to attract larger crowds to Leonard and your business! Sponsors have already started rolling in! Let us know if you have any questions! Attached is a breakdown of the sponsorship levels, and here is a form you can fill out in a few clicks! https://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5253746/leonard-picnic-2020?fbclid=IwAR0ajDDzfWg7RS8ttfjD4UeHjx9hoGzZfNlh-0vexuV6r3CMnt7UebOcdW0