Good Afternoon Chamber Members,
I hope you all had a lovely Easter even if it may have been a bit different this year.
It seems like a lot of what we do on the Chamber is plan, but this is something that nobody was planning for. Things are tough right now, we aren’t getting to be together for our regular meeting today, the kids aren’t in school, businesses are shut down, and businesses that are open are having to change up their operations. But from what I have learned about growing up, going to school, and running a business in Leonard is that this community supports its own like very few others. Leonard is resilient, we will make it through this together. Let us know if there is anything that we can do to help.
Since we last met the officers and directors have been in almost constant contact (at a safe distance!) because as you know we voted to first postpone the banquet, and then to cancel the rest of the events in April, including the Egg Hunt and our monthly meeting. At this time we do not have a whole lot of new information to report to you all. We have still been hard at work planning the Picnic July 16-18th! And we are looking at dates for the banquet that works around school sports and other events.
The next big thing that we usually do as a Chamber is vote to give 3 scholarships to the school. If in the event that we are not able to have our monthly meeting in May, the officers & directors will hold a vote to give these scholarships so that we are able to still provide this support in time to the 2020 Seniors, who have already been through a pretty rough year.
Thank you for your continued support of the Chamber. Stay safe, stay healthy, and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
President – Blaine Alexander
Vice President – Marla Burks
Secretary – Elizabeth Christman
Treasurer – Brandi Treadway
& Our Team of Directors: Sheryl Stanley, Charlotte Garner, Kacey Blackerby, Linda Beckham, Kelli Blackerby, & Gaye Doyle