Organizations Invited to Participate in 2022 Halloween on the Leonard Square

It is that time of year again for the annual Halloween On the Square.

We would like to invite our local businesses and organizations in our community to participate in this event. It will be held on Monday, October 31st from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

It is a fun and safe event for the whole community. We are asking businesses to participate by setting up a booth to hand out candy to our trick-or-treaters and/or donate money for the costume prizes! The cost to register and participate is FREE! You must complete this form to receive a name tag for your candy booth on the day of the event.

Complete the form below and submit it to the chamber of commerce email address which is or it can be mailed to us at PO Box 1208 Leonard, TX 75452.

Form – MS Word version 


Form – PDF version